KYWK 101: Being A Backup Or 2nd Option

If you are a guy who is dating multiple women and find out you are a woman’s backup plan, this revelation shouldn’t bother you one bit. Some of you will be bother by this if you find yourself liking the particular woman who has you in a backup role. There are a few ways that you can find out if you are running as a 2nd option without asking her.

One of the ways is pay attention to how much she contacts you. So if she went from calling and texting you everyday to now hitting you up once or twice a week, just know that someone has took over your spot. This can be very disappointing if it’s a girl that you really like, but you can’t panic. Most guys would confront her and bring up how she been distant.

What you should do is continue to operate the same way you been doing. If you have been calling once a week, continue to do that because calling more isn’t going to do anything. At this point, you will have to wait until the guy who is in the top spot start to mess up.

There could be a chance that she gets into a relationship with the guy as well, but you have to be indifferent about it. When she decides to tell you the news, she is going to try and see if that hurts you, so you can’t show any weakness. Always have the mindset that she will be back and always leave the door open for her to come back.

So remember kings, being the backup or 2nd option definitely has its pros and cons. To be honest, women are always going to have guys in the background just in case something goes wrong. If you are in the background just play your part and start giving other women the time you was giving her.