KYWK 101: Be Bold And Take Risks Without Fear

For a lot of people, their reasoning for not taking risks is they always want to be on the safe side of situations. For example, a entrepreneur wouldn’t be able to relate to a person who has a job. The reason why is a entrepreneur knows that the only income they will see is whatever they go after. If they is money to be made, a entrepreneur will do what’s necessary to make it happen.

They know what it means to be bold and take risks with fear of failure. A person with a job has a sense of security where they don’t have to take risks. When it comes to women, the same applies. The risk of approaching a woman is getting rejected. But since you have been following me, you already know this. For example, let’s say you are at a party and you see a woman that you attracted to.

The only thing is, she surrounding by 4 of her friends. In most cases, approaching her in this setting will lead to rejection. But if you are just practicing being bold and taking risks, you should approach her and say hello in front of her friends. Doesn’t matter what the outcome is, you just want to get into the habit of going after the things you want.

Trust me when I say that they are going to be other men there who wish they could do what you just did. So remember kings, always be bold and take risks without fear. The best way to attack fear is to go straight after it. You’ll be surprised at the things that you use to fear will become nothing as you change your mindset.