KYWK 101: Always Underrate Her Attraction Level

Hell, I’m guilty of doing this as well, but I always try to catch myself. Once you start to get like this, it’s only a matter of time before your woman starts losing attraction. The key to not finding yourself in this situation is to always underrate her attraction level. That way, you won’t get to high or too low with her.

For example, let’s say you are dating a woman and you know that she is feeling you heavy. So if her attraction level is at an 8, you should treat her like she is in the 6 range. You should always knock the attraction level down 2 spots, so you won’t get too full of yourself. It will always keep you in the right mindset and you will treat her accordingly.

The reason why I say this is because a woman is not going to tell you her attraction level is dropping. As a man, it’s up to you to pay attention to the signs when her attraction is getting low. So remember kings, you always want to underrate her attraction level towards you. Even if you believe you have her head in the clouds, you still want to knock it down 2 spots. By doing this, you will stay the man that she wants to always be around.