KYWK 101: Always Pre-Qualify The Women You Date

Which why I say that you should pre-qualify the women that you are dating. You want to see how much a woman is really into you. For example, does she make it easy to plan dates with her? If you are having to ask a woman 2 or 3 times for a date, odds are that she is not that interested. If she is interested, you won’t have to jump through any hoops to see her.

When you are out on a date, how is she acting? Does she seem like she is enjoying herself or does it seem like she is just going through the motions? Pay attention to everything that she tells you that is going on in her life. What you don’t want to do is get into a situation where you are dealing with a woman who is full of drama.

This shouldn’t be a short process when it comes to pre-qualifying the women you are dating. This should take months of questioning and watching before you decide to take things to the next level. So remember kings, always pre-qualify the women that you are dating.

Like I said above, you are doing this to see if she deserves to be in your life. You should want things to effortless when it comes to dating. So if you encounter anyone who gives you pushback, that is someone you shouldn’t have in your life.