KYWK 101: All Men Need To Womanize

While most women will frown when they hear this word, single men should strive to be this. I believe that before any man decides to get in a relationship, he should womanize first. For instance, I was in a 3 year relationship, which failed due to me not knowing my woman like I should have. Once I was out of that relationship, I started to date 6 to 7 women at one time.

This is when I started to notice certain things that all women do. When you womanize, you are able to see how you can trigger women’s emotions with ease. You will also know how to respond to certain situations when you do this as well. They love to tell us how they are different from other women, but I beg to differ.

So remember kings, you aren’t doing yourself any favors if you don’t womanize. Especially for some of you guys that eventually want to get in a relationship and get married. The best way to understand women is too date a lot of them at the same time.

3 Replies to “KYWK 101: All Men Need To Womanize”

  1. Where does this term “womanizer” even come from? People think about it the wrong way. Men jus have different needs and find it in different places. A man could meet one female who fulfills the excitement he wants, the next woman could fulfill intellectual side. Nobody is perfect, so there is no such thing as a “perfect woman”. We are the only society that has made up the rule you are supposed to be with one woman or you a dog ass nigga or whatever. Instead of focusing on the next person ,you should focus on how he makes you feel when y’all are together. If he makes you feel good , (when y’all together) and treats you like a queen, isn’t that what’s important? Truthfully if it wasn’t for perception, this wouldn’t even be a problem. Most women care more how they are perceived by others instead of focusing on how the man makes you feel. How a person makes YOU feel , shouldn’t be determined on any outside influences. I see Beyoncé got y’all feeling real independent but she got man. Who I’m sure has a bus load of females. Yet, you see she ain’t going nowhere. Think about that the next time you singing lemonade.

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