KYWK 101: Accepting Your Present Situation

Some of you could be struggling with dating, relationships, or in your marriages. Those issues could get to a point where you might stress yourself out. The best thing you can do is acknowledge what is going on in your life and build from there. For example, we are currently dealing with the effects of what the Coronavirus is doing to the economy and our lives.

I see plenty of people complaining daily and I understand it to an extent. But there comes and point where you have to start being proactive and start putting your plan together. That won’t start to happen until you accept the present situation that we are living in. Another example of this is the men who are having issues in his relationship or marriage.

With what’s going on in the world right now, women are looking for your for leadership even more than she usually would. That’s why it’s not a surprise to me that the divorce rate in China skyrocketed during the epidemic. I expect the same thing to happen here in America once the dust settles. Women want to know and feel that you have things under control.

Because if they see that you are panicking, she is going to do the same thing. A lot of men in rocky relationships and marriages have to come face to face with the fear of failure. It’s gets even tougher when you have kids mixed in this as well. If that is your present situation, you have to accept that fear and start making that turn to change how you are handling things.

So remember kings, always accept the present situation you are in. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad, embrace it. After you have embraced it, now it’s time to put a plan in place to improve your situation.