KYWK 101: Accepting Female Nature Makes Dating Easier For You

Once you understand this, you can make major strides when it come to dating. Many of you including myself have been ghosted, stood up, had dates cancelled at the last minute, etc. This is something that all women do but the key for you is to understand and realize why is this happening. Understand that a lot of women will do this just to test you.

They want to see how you are going to react to what she did. Now some of you will be mad at that particular women for doing this, but they all do it. It’s the same thing when it comes to holding a woman accountable for the things she do. How many of you guys know a woman who takes responsibility for their actions?

I’m sure all of you couldn’t answer that question, but there is a reason for this. It’s in their nature to never do this, but men lose their minds behind this. It’s the same thing when it comes to women understanding logic. They are programmed through their emotions which is why they can’t be logical. It’s the same reason why when women are in a heated discussion, their emotion always blocks out the logic. When her emotions takeover, it doesn’t matter what you say, you will be wrong in her eyes.

So remember kings, you have to accept female nature in order for dating to be easier for you. You have to know that the stuff you go through with women is not exclusive to you. Women are doing this to other men as well. What you have to understand is why this is happening and make adjustments. The only way you get better at this is to get out and approach and date as many women as you can. Always remember that practice makes perfect.