KWYK 101: How To Know When A Woman Is Choosing You

But there are a lot of men who really don’t pay attention to the signs to see if a woman is interested in them. Woman are not as aggressive, but they do let us know when they are choosing. For example, let’s say you are in a club setting and of course it’s filled with a bunch of women. One of the main things you should be paying attention too is her eye contact.

Woman love to look at us, but they don’t want to get caught looking. But if you catch a women looking at you every few seconds, she is showing a level of attraction for you. You might also start to notice that she starts playing with her hair. These are signs that she is choosing you, it’s up to you to make the approach.

You may also notice that once a woman is choosing you, she will put herself in your orbit. What I mean by that is this, a woman could be on one side of the room looking at you. A few minutes later, she could be standing 5 feet away from you. What you have to realize is that didn’t just happen on accident. When out in these streets, eye contact and your body language is what you woman pay attention to the most. The same principles that I told you about in a club setting will apply here too.

So remember kings, you have to pay attention to surrounding to notice if a woman is choosing you. Most feminine women won’t step to you, but that will make it easy for you to approach them.