KWYK 101: Always Make Your Intentions Clear

Now depending on how you answer this question, things could move in the right direction or come to a complete stop. Majority of the women out here know what men want, which is sex. But some of them want to see if you will be upfront and honest about it.

I have had multiple woman tell that they already know that they are going to have sex with a man before the first date. For example, back in my younger days, I would say all types of things when a woman would ask me what my intentions are. Depending how good the woman looked, I would say I was looking to build towards a relationship.

Even though I knew I was lying, I figured that was what she wanted to hear. It would work a lot, but would cause issues down the road when she wanted to be exclusive, but I didn’t. Now when I started to tell the truth about my intentions, I was shocked at the results. You will be surprised at how many women that will get moist at the fact they you tell her you want to have sex with her.

Another reason that you should make you intentions clear is it allows you to find out what woman are full of shit. There are plenty of women who might not be attractive to you but allow you to take them out because it’s better than staying home. But when you make your intentions known, she either has to ante up or walk away. Whatever decision she makes, you should be cool with it either way.

So remember kings, it’s in your best interest to make your intentions clear from the very beginning. She already knows what you want anyway, so there is no need to act like you don’t want it.