Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg can’t believe men are uncomfortable with women at work

First off, I found it funny when the host of this show tells Sandberg that her mouth fell open when she read the numbers. What did women expect to happen when you start a movement like this? Sandberg and host start this thing off with a big lie. Due to male managers being uncomfortable with meeting with woman by themselves, they claim there is no way for women to get promoted. Whatever happened to you just being good at your job, which would proceed to you getting a promotion. The next problem I have with this is when she brings race into this conversation. Even though the founder of the MeToo movement is a black women, white women are the ones who are getting the guys up out of here.

Sandberg then says this statement, “It’s not enough to not harass us, you need to not ignore us either”. Do you see how backwards and crazy a statement like this is? You don’t want men to harass you, so when they don’t acknowledge you anymore, now that’s a problem. Listen women, you cannot not have it both ways. So then the host goes on a tangent saying that if men were doing the right thing and acting appropriately, they wouldn’t have to worry about nothing.

But we have seen men have to resign from their companies from accusations from women that happened over a decade ago. Some of those same men resigned without the women having no proof either. So men are being smart about the situation by not even putting themselves in a bad position.

After that, Sandberg says that men need to step up and that we need to redefine what it means to be a good guy at work. So now you have women trying to tell men how we should act when we are at work. Do you guys see what type of control that women want to have at the workplace? They want control over all aspects of what a men should or shouldn’t be doing at work. Then she starts talking about style feedback in which male managers critique how the women acts at work.

She tells them that women are getting feedback that they are to bossy and aggressive. She also says that men don’t get the same feedback, which is unfair. So she is basically saying women do no wrong and shouldn’t be getting any criticisms. As for men not getting the same feedback, we understand the chain of command at the workplace. We are not going to walk around acting like we are the boss when we know that we’re not. The most important part of this video comes up when one of the male host asks Sandberg a question about gossip.

He asked her how should a man handle a situation when there is gossip around the workplace when he has a one on one meeting with women. Then having to explain to everyone about what happen once the gossip goes overboard. She completely blew off the question and gave no examples on how to help with this situation. She went back to her narrative of basically saying women need the one on one time to get promoted.

What I learned from this video with Sandberg is that men have took notice of what happened last year and have made an adjustment. Now women are starting to complain that they don’t get the same attention anymore. KYWK, don’t let these women put you in a spot where they can jeopardize your career or your business.