After Calling Herself A Reform Cheater, Modern Woman Thinks You Should Get 1 Time Pass To Cheat In Marriage

I swear you just can’t make this stuff up. These women will definitely move the goalpost in you dumb enough to let them. Any woman who admits that she is a reform cheater is someone who can’t be trusted anyways. Getting involved with someone like this is a quick way to get your feelings hurt down the road.

#cheating #hallpass #marriage #reform #cantbetrusted #movingthegoalpost #cantmakethisup #disrespect #knowyourworth #delusional #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Thinks The Best Thing Women Should Do If They Like A Man Is Friend Zone Him

All I could do is just shake my head while listening to this. What type of advice is this to give to women? The only way something like this works is if the man doesn’t have any options. It’s just funny how women love to play games with men until it gets turned around against them. 

#friendzone #playgames #options #smh #badadvice #disrespect #cantmakethisup #delusional #knowyourworth #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Says If Men Want Women With Certain Physical Attributes, Women Should Be Able To Ask For Money

All I could do is just shake my head while listening to this. What’s even crazier about this is you can tell that she really thinks this makes sense. So just because men want a woman with certain physical attributes, women should be to ask for money? I swear you can’t make this stuff up.

#money #physical #attributes #attraction #mindset #delusional #cantmakethisup #doesntmakeanysense #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Believes It’s Harassment When A Man She Doesn’t Like Jumps In Her DMs

She didn’t say anything groundbreaking breaking just confirming what most men know. If a woman likes you, odds are that you can pretty much get away with anything. But if she doesn’t, they start to use words like harassment when you shoot your shot. 

#harrassment #shootyourshoot #likeyou #downinthedm #disrespectful #notinterested #nointerest #cantmakethisup #joke #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Tells Women To Date Men They Have No Interest So There Won’t Be Attachment

It’s interesting to hear women promoting doing stuff like this. She pretty much is cool with wasting a man’s time because she already knows she isn’t interested. But if a man does something like this, he will be called all types of names. I swear you just can’t make this stuff up. 

#nointerest #wastingtime #notinterested #freedate #emotions #cantmakethisup #toxic #mindset #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Thinks If Someone Is Truly For You, Let Them Go

All I could do is just shake my head listening to this. Women love the fairytale story of leaving a relationship up for chance with the man coming back in the end. The problem is this isn’t Disney, this is reality. You can’t play around with leaving it up for chance about someone you care about.

#fairytail #fate #disney #upforgrabs #chance #reality #manifestation #playaround #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Admits That She’s Her Husband’s Biggest Fan But Also His Biggest Hater

To be honest, this is how a lot of women feel in relationships or marriages. This is especially true when a man catches on to something that’s usually associated to women. I’m glad this woman put this out there because she is definitely living in her truth. 

#toxic #trait #biggestfan #hater #truth #marriage #honesty #competetive #canrelate #knowyourworth #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Chris Rock Explains Why Women Really Don’t Like Nice Guys

I think all men can relate to what Chris Rock says in this video. At one point in our lives, we have been the nice guys who gets treated like garbage by a woman. I can’t really blame women as much as I want to because they all do it. As you navigate through dating, men have to learn to balance being nice and when not to be a pushover. 

#chrisrock #niceguysfinishlast #canrelate #balance #pushover #explainsalot #truth #mindset #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Man Explains To Modern Woman Why He Chose Another Woman Over Her

One thing women have a hard time understanding about men is we want things simple. Him telling her things are easier with the other woman speaks volumes. We don’t want to deal with the complaints and arguments from women. Some women pride themselves in being difficult but can’t understand why men breakup with them. 

#chooseyou #toomuchpride #easygoing #difficult #complaints #arguement #simple #speaksvolumes #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Explains Why Women Shouldn’t Be Correcting Men

It’s a lot of truth in this video right here. This is a woman who knows her place when comes to being with a man. There is nothing wrong with a woman questioning a man if she isn’t secure in his leadership. But correcting men is a whole other matter. Nowadays, it seems like women spend more time trying to correct what men are doing instead of focusing on themselves.

#correcting #knowyourplace #wastingtime #focusonyourself #conversation #emotional #secure #leadership #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons