KYWK 101: You Have To Match Her Audacity

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is you have to match her audacity. There are two types of thought processes you have to develop when you are dealing with women. One of the thought process is if you care about the woman. The other thought process is when you don’t care about the woman.

KYWK 101: Practice Makes Perfect

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is practice makes perfect. So I wanted to talk about why you need to practice the things I am talking about. In order to see changes in your dating life, you have to put yourself in the game. It doesn’t make sense to read some of the stuff that I wrote if you are not going to apply to your dating life.

KYWK 101: The Wall Is Undefeated

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is the wall is undefeated. So I’m pretty sure some of you are asking yourself, what is this wall he speaks of? When a woman gets into her mid 30’s to early 40’s, they run into the infamous wall. As a woman gets old in age, their value starts to go down in the eyes of men.

KYWK 101: She Has A Male Best Friend

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is she has a male best friend. I’m sure that many of you have come across some women that have male best friends. Some men will panic and start to let that woman know that they are not cool with her having a male best friend.

KYWK 101: Ignoring Red Flags

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is ignoring red flags. There is a reason why I always say that you need to pay attention to what women do. The reason I say this is because women will show you who they are the more you deal with them. Throughout the time that you are dating her, there might be some red flags that start showing up.

KYWK 101: Beware Of The Woman Who Is On The Rebound

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is beware of the woman who is on the rebound. Women on the rebound are usually the ones who just got out of a long term relationship or marriage. Depending on how the relationship or marriage ended will tell you how good her emotional and mental state is.

KYWK 101: Days When She Pulls Back

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is days when she pulls back. I’m sure that every man has dealt with this situation at least once in their lifetime. As I have said before, women are very emotional creatures who’s mind can change at the drop of a dime.

KYWK 101: First Date Mistakes To Avoid

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is first date mistakes you should avoid. The first date you have with a women basically sets the tone for how things are going to go. So it’s important to know what to do and what not to do on the first date. The first mistake to avoid is talking about yourself or talking too much in general.